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Gavin Michael James


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Gavin Michael James is a charismatic, intelligent, and energetic up-and-coming actor who lights up whatever room he is in.

He is a junior at Pebblebrook High School and a vocal and drama student in the Cobb County for Excellence in the Performing Arts (CCCEPA) Magnet Program. CCCEPA is a professional and competitive program that provides students with the skills and techniques necessary to pursue a career in acting and musical theatre. Gavin has been cast in many dramatic, vocal, and dance shows with CCCEPA. Gavin is also a musical theatre student with the British Academy of Performing Arts (BAPA), where he is cast in leading roles. Gavin enjoys playing the piano, recording musical videos, and modeling in his spare time.

This young actor looks forward to continuing his studies in acting and singing in college after graduating high school in 2026. His dream is to one day make it in film and Broadway. Get ready, world, because Gavin Michael James is on his way.

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Gavin Michael James

Gavin Michael James

Gavin Michael James
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Gavin (Theatrical)

Gavin (Theatrical)

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Gavin (Comedic)

Gavin (Comedic)

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